How much does therapy cost ?
Therapy is billed per session self pay rate is $120 individual, $160 couples. Insurances often help with the cost of mental health care, we can bill to them directly or other insurances will help with the cost by providing them a superbill which can be arranged. Please be aware that insurances have different coverages and co-pays. At Mental Health Y Vida the cost of care is discussed before acceptance of services. Immigration evaluations are $900 and insurance rarely cover this service. Insurance may help with the cost, by billing to them directly or other insurances will help with the cost by providing them a superbill which can be arranged.
How often do I meet my therapist?
How often you meet with your therapist is up to you, typically people do biweekly, but everyone’s needs are different. The frequency can also change so if something is going on that we should meet more or less often is also doable it just needs to be discussed.
What’s next after I connect with Natalie?
You probably did or will answer a couple questions to ensure that we are a good match. After that we will create a chart for you and I will be working with you to gather some information, personal questions, and contact information to continue ongoing communication. Then we will also schedule appointments. I prefer standing appointments but I understand that is not ideal for everyone so I am flexible to clients schedules as much as possible.